Recipe: Petit Gateau of “Doce De Leite” with Vanilla Ice Cream

BRAZA is a cookbook filled with traditional Brazilian dishes, mostly for the barbecue, but what book would be complete without a delicious selection of desserts, and here’s one that looks divine!

Thank you to passionate Brazilian chef and restaurateur Andre Felicio!

petit gateau de doce de leite com sorvete de creme

Serves 6

Doce de Leite is most traditionally made in the Minas Gerais, but is widely eaten and loved in every single corner of Brazil. One of my favourite recipes…


  • 13¾ oz (395 g) tinned condensed milk
  • 1½ oz (40 g) all-purpose (plain) flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting
  • 2 whole eggs, plus 2 yolks
  • 3½ oz (100 g) unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 2¼ oz (60 g) granulated (white) sugar
  • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream
  • strawberries, to garnish


To make the “Doce de Leite”, add enough water to a pot so it would completely cover the tin of condensed milk. Bring the water to the boil. Remove the label from the can of condensed milk and rinse well. Add the can to the boiling water and make sure the can is totally covered with water. Cover the pot and simmer for 2 hours. Using tongs, remove the can from the water and set it aside to cool completely (this should take about 2 hours).

Pour the contents of the tin into a saucepan over low heat and add the butter. Stir well until heated through. This shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.

Allow the mixture to cool down, then add the sugar and eggs. Mix well, then add the flour, and mix well to combine. Lightly grease six 4 fl oz (120 ml) molds with the extra butter and dust with the extra flour. Pour the mixture into the molds. Don’t fill all the way to the top.


Place the molds in the freezer for 4 hours or until frozen. Once completely frozen, remove from the freezer. Place in a 500°F (250°C) oven for 8 minutes. Leave to cool for about 3 minutes. Gently unmold the little cakes onto serving plates.

Serve with vanilla ice cream and garnish with the strawberries.

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