Interview: Kate Peck (YGap)

Charity and fundraising events have become extremely competitive with everyone wanting to inspire you to donate to their cause and sometimes it’s hard to decide who to support because much as you would love to you can’t support them all. YGap has ticked all the boxes to collect support for their latest initiative 5cent. Kate Peck is here to tell you about this innovative new campaign.

Can you tell us a little about YGap please?

Yes, YGAP, which stands for Y Generation Against Poverty is a not-for-profit volunteer organisation founded by Elliot Costello. The organisation is dedicated to empowering communities affected by poverty and redefining how people contribute to change, by fitting into everyday life activities.

And how did you get involved with the initiative?

As a YGAP ambassador I am constantly on the lookout for any new wonderful, fun and ingenious projects that YGAP conjure up to get my teeth stuck into. When I heard about the 5cent Campaign, I simply couldn’t wait to get involved!

It’s such a great initiative, so simple and it’s really about the effort you can contribute not the donation figure, so there is no reason not to get involved! What else are you going to do with all your 5c’s?

The campaign has such an incredible reach, with all funds raised going to 5 highly important international and local projects. I’m looking forward to eventually drowning in over a million 5cent pieces by the end of the campaign.

I was reading about the campaign starting on the 5th of May called 5cent. Can you tell us about the campaign?

YGAP launched an initiative called 5cent on 5 May that seeks to eradicate five cent coins from the streets and hip pockets of Australia by collecting 1 million of them to raise money for 5 important causes here and abroad, including community programs in Australia, Ghana and Rwanda, and education projects in Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Five cents doesn’t sound like much but collectively, it can make a big change.

ygap kate peck

What is the 5cent initiative hoping to achieve?

The 5cent campaign, which runs nationwide until 9 June, aims to collect 1 million individual 5 cent pieces. With over $150 million dollars worth of 5 cent coins in circulation, YGAP will harness the collective value of Australia’s small change to hopefully make a big change globally.

Can you tell us a bit about the places this money will go?

Yes, funds will go towards five important causes, locally and globally.  In Rwanda, money raised will go towards building new primary classrooms, a computer lab and language centre, a pre-school nursery and improve school sporting facilities.

In an effort to prevent child slavery and trafficking in Ghana, funds raised will support communities at risk or already affected by child exploitation in Ghana. YGAP will build two additional classrooms in the Lake Volta region (seven have already been constructed as a result of YGAP funding) and  implement a water purification business to provide employment for single mothers.

Empowering former sex slaves in Cambodia is another goal – funds raised will support Voices for Change, a program that will shape 12-15 former sex slaves into role models and peer educators for the younger generation of sex slaves.

Funds will also support the West Awaz Pur school in Bangladesh, which was established in 2010 through YGAP’s funding, to increase its capacity, to build a teacher training centre and to send a team of volunteers to Bangladesh in 2013.

Last but certainly not least, funds raised for Australia will assist partner SecondBite in sourcing surplus nutritious fresh food and produce that might otherwise go to waste and delivering it to care agencies and people in need.
In keeping with the 5’s theme there are 5 famous Melbourne faces acting as ambassadors for 5cent, who are you all?

Well there’s myself, footballer Chris Judd, DJ Grant Smilie, Brigitte Duclos and Channel 7 sports reporter Hamish McLachlan backing the worthy movement as ambassadors. We’re all thrilled to be involved.

Why do you believe in this campaign?

I love its simplicity and creativity. I know the hard work, in the office and on location, the team behind this initiative put in to making the YGAP organisation as amazing as it is today.   They deserve all the support we can give them.

This campaign is a product of young, bright sparks that push the boundaries to make a difference. I know the funds raised will actually make it to these causes and have seen myself first-hand the difference YGAP can make to a community.

 The most important question, how can we get involved and help out?

To participate, you can sign up at and you will receive a flat-packed container to collect coins, which can then be deposited at any ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB, Westpac and Bank of Melbourne branch. If you see a container when you’re on the move, drop a five cent piece in to help us make a change!

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